How to uninstall skype for business on windows
How to uninstall skype for business on windows

Step 1: Open the Settings of Skype for Business, navigate to the Tools tab and select the Options option. To Uninstall Skype for Business, please follow the instructions below to deactivate this function to prevent it from starting: Here, we provide three methods to uninstall Skype for business from your computer. If you are unable to uninstall Skype for Business, then you don’t worry about it. How to uninstall skype for Business from your computer? It is important to bear in mind that uninstalling Office 365 Skype for Business from your device would be impossible if you do not delete the Microsoft Office reset. And this article demonstrates some job methods for Skype for Business disabled or uninstalled. However, You may take the decision to turn Skype for Business off or uninstall it on your PC. Fortunately, Skype often creates problems for the company, such as consuming much of the disc space. You can interact easily with others in everyday life using this function. Uninstalling the whole Office 365 suite and then re-installing with no Skype will take somewhere around 30 - 40 minutes.

how to uninstall skype for business on windows

You may use this function to remain interconnected proactively with your peers to put it more clearly. If Microsoft is decommissioning Skype for Business from Office 365 and asking Enterprise to move to Microsoft Teams, they should also allow Enterprise with an option for a seamless removal of the component.

How to uninstall skype for business on windows